Ageplay 101

role-play  (verb) 1. to assume the attitudes, actions, and discourse of (another), especially in a make-believe situation in an effort to understand a differing point of view or social interaction

Ageplay is the word used to describe a type of role-play (both sexual and non-sexual) in which an adult takes on the persona of someone who is a different age. Most commonly, but not exclusively, this is an age younger than their own. Those who take on a younger persona are often referred to as “Littles”, and their caretakers and role-played older counterparts are referred to as “Bigs”. There are of course many variations of identities that are specific to each individual, and some may prefer other titles, such as “Daddy”, “Mommy”, “Baby”, etc.

There are a wide variety of ages that Littles identify with, some are toddler aged, some are infants, and some are “middles” whose persona is that of a pre teen or teenager. Many Littles will have several different ages that they enjoy roleplaying within. There is no right or wrong answer when determining what ones “Little age” is, and there are an endless amount of possibilites as to one’s personal identity.

Several parallels can be found between the ageplay community and those who engage in other forms of role-play. For example, and dramatically increasing in popularity as of late, is the practice of “puppy play” in which adults take on the personas of “puppies” and “handlers”. These “human pups” take on a mindset similar to that of a “Little”, and will act in a manner similar to that of a dog, whereas “littles” will take on the persona of a child. Their role-played human counterparts, often referred to as “handlers, or “trainers” will interact with the puppy in a manner similar to which “Bigs” interact with “Littles”. As with ageplay, puppy play can be either overtly sexual, or non sexual, as a way to relieve one of their human adult inhibitions, or simply as a fetish practice, and as with any multi-dynamic form of fetish activity, there may be overtones of domination and submission present as well, however these dynamics are dependent on each individual engaging in play. There are countless other personas that those who engage in role play are able to take on. These are some common examples, and similarities between just two communities both based on role play.

As found in this dissertation based on clinical study,  ageplay and abdl is a type of play that occurs between consenting adults, and cannot be stressed enough that ageplayers are not linked to any form of pedophilia or non consensual behavior any more than the rest of the population. They are simply consenting adults engaging in role play.